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Monthly meetings are generally the last Thursday of the month. Come join the discussion and let us know your thoughts! Please post special event reminders as well.

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Let's drive out inequality and celebrate all our construction industry talent

The construction industry plays a vital role in the world’s economy, but has a global reputation as a place where mainly men succeed.

To coincide with International Women’s Day on 8 March 2015, RIBA has launched the #SeeMeJoinMe campaign to celebrate and support a more diverse and inclusive construction industry.

The UK construction industry employs more than 2.5 million people. Women make up just 11% of the sector, with a mere 1.2% working in manual labour trades.

In Europe, the construction industry employs around 14 million people (9.5% of employment) yet most (88%) of the people employed in the sector are male.

Of the 7.1 million Americans employed in construction-related occupations, only 2.6% are women.

The industry needs collectively to take positive steps to drive out inequality, inspire and celebrate all our talent.

We are asking construction professionals around the world - from bricklayers and architects to engineers and plumbers - to make a stand, take a selfie, add their job title and show our young women, parents and teachers that careers in construction are not off-limits to girls.


  1. Tweet a few words about why creating a more equal industry matters along with an image of yourself at work and your job title - don't forget the hashtag #SeeMeJoinMe
  2. Sign up to our campaign Thunderclap 
  3. Rally your friends and colleagues working in the construction industry around the world to do the same.
  4. On International Women’s Day on 8 March 2015 at 9am, watch as everyone's messages are simultaneously shared on social media around the world.

